La Gran Piedra - 41 photos

"Cordillera de la Gran Piedra", a branch of the Sierra Maestra, is a 30 Km-long barrier separating the Caribbean coast from the central valley. It ends in a gigantic rock 1234 m above sea level.

This place does not only have a refreshingly cool microclimate, it also boasts an incredibly unique historical heritage based on the legacy of some 60 or more coffee plantations set up by French farmers in the latter part of the XVIII century. On the run from a bloody slave rebellion in Haití in 1791, the enterprising Gallic immigrants overcame arduous living conditions and difficult terrain to turn Cuba into the world's number-one coffee producer by the early XIX century. Their workmanship and ingenuity has been preserved for posterity in a UNESCO World Heritage site that is centered on "Cafetal La Isabelica".